Space Management
Designed to give facility professionals, department liaisons and executive management complete visibility into space and occupancy.

What is Space Management?

Space management involves the management of a company’s physical space inventory. Senior facilities executives and department managers are typically tasked with controlling costs while keeping up optimal utilization of their layout space to create an environment where employees can meet and exceed the mission of the organization. It’s the often-overlooked aspect of your company that touches all departments, from the C-suite to HR, finance and beyond. FM:Systems’ space utilization software enables our clients to more easily understand what space they have, where their people sit, and which departments occupy space in your facilities.

Learn more on our blog What is Space Management?

How can space management software improve efficiency?

Space management software is a technology solution that organizations can use to track and manage their real estate assets and all aspects of their physical space inventory. At a high level, the management of your space inventory includes tracking and maintaining your space allocation and occupancy information—identifying who sits where, understanding how much types of space your organization has, how it is categorized, how it’s being used, and projecting and forecasting how much real estate you will need in the future.

It enables secure access to space data in the cloud as well as analysis via on-the-fly reporting and data visualizations that can provide actionable insights into how to better manage your organizational space.

The Business Case for Space Allocation Software

Empower your leadership team with the accurate, real-time data they need to make strategic decisions

Gain critical insights into how you currently use your space to identify areas of cost reductions, efficiency improvements or even potential revenue streams

Free up time otherwise wasted on potentially inaccurate manual reporting

Key features of the right space management software:

  • Bi-directionally integrated with existing AutoCAD drawings or Revit models
  • Secure and cloud-based to ensure accessibility on the go, from anywhere
  • Able to deliver intuitive dashboards and visualizations to map out current usage
  • Built to simplify scenario modeling for floor plans or other purposes
  • Flexible enough to be expanded with other integrated workplace management systems (IWMS) and modules to deliver one easy-to-use solution

Reasons to Use FM:System’s Space Management Software

Move away from outdated models

Implement cloud-based, data-driven space management software with our intuitive dashboards to eliminate human error common in manual methods

Get a real-time picture of space utilization

Our full-suite, easy-to-use interface helps you control your entire physical space inventory including managing occupancy, allocations and chargebacks

Reduce costs associated with unused space

Sell or sub-lease unused space or consolidate high-traffic areas with our lease and move management modules to make the most of your current space assets

Plan for the future

Use our scenario planning module to be prepared for future changes and trends

What Are the Benefits of Using Space Management Software?

Implementing space management software into your facilities management process gives you the transparency needed to effectively manage your organization. With space planning software, you’ll gain a clear picture of your real estate portfolio, model floor planning scenarios, track space utilization and better manage both owned and leased location facilities, thanks to real-time data and interactive dashboards, floor plans and reports.

what our
I use FMS:Workplace every day for 80-90% of my activities—it allows me to manage our constant churn and space changes—things that just weren’t possible to manage in the past with the size of our university.”

– Cheryl Benningfield, Space Planning Manager