The Power is in the Plan

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What happens to your facility drawings when you turn your computer off? Do they simply reside on your hard drive or local network waiting for you to open them again? If this is the case you might be missing a huge opportunity to give your facility plans a life of their own where they are used enterprise wide to help your entire organization more effectively manage your operations. By connecting your drawings live and bi-directionally to a Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) or Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) you not only place the power of your plans in the hands of those who need them, but your entire facilities team will have access to maintaining the accuracy of the data contained within your drawings.

FM:Systems CAD and BIM Integration

CAD and BIM creation tools are great for creating graphical representations for the facilities that are designed, built and operated globally every single day. What these tools are not good at is storing, managing and reporting on the potentially massive amounts of invaluable information that can be associated with each element in a drawing. FM:Systems CAD and BIM integration enables facilities professionals to connect Autodesk® AutoCAD® and Autodesk® Revit® models to the Cloud to help you better manage your teams day-to-day facility operations workflows such as space planning and management, maintenance, asset management, move management and more.

Bi-directional Data and Drawings on Demand

bim-in-fminteractOnce your drawings are connected to FM:Interact, you can provide secure access to your facility plans to anyone on your facilities team who needs to view, report on and update data associated with your drawings. As a CAD or BIM professional, you want to maintain control over the quality and standards of your drawings. The FM:Interact CAD and BIM integration components enables you to connect the data associated with your drawings bi-directionally to FM:Interact while also allowing you to publish facility plans geometry directly from AutoCAD or Revit on demand when your floor plans change.

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