Balancing the Hybrid Workplace

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As we begin to see light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, organizations are once again thinking beyond tomorrow. Now that we have seen the remote environment can be productive and positive, it is time to determine what our long-term goals look like, from both an employee experience and real estate portfolio perspective.

A shift to a hybrid workplace seems to be in the forefront of many of these conversations and strategic plans. But how do we manage wholesale shifts to realize this idea? While that may seem daunting to some, there is an established path forward, and it can be accomplished with a strong Change Management plan.



How to create a strong Change Management plan

It is imperative to have buy in from all levels when implementing a new policy within an organization.  With a clear and concise change management plan in place, this can be accomplished rather seamlessly with a few steps:

  1. Identify the Need: We have identified a change in the way space is used, managed, and measured going forward.  A dynamic workplace will need to be an option now to meet both near and long-term requirements.
  2. Understand the Impact: The change to the workplace will impact not only the employees but how businesses operate and deliver customer success.  Include key stakeholders from other departments to ensure everyone is aligned.
  3. Make the Decision: It is time to weigh the risks and rewards to determine if the plan will move forward.
  4. Execute: Once the final plan is approved it is time to put it into place. Clearly communicate what is happening, when it will happen, and how it will happen.
  5. Monitor: The process is not complete just because the plan has been executed. Continue to monitor the situation as improvements can always be made.




Striking a balance between a hybrid work environment and your real estate portfolio

Using the above change management plan to guide the development of a hybrid environment and integrating that with your real estate portfolio, will require striking the right balance. And asking the right questions is how we will get that balance:

Questions for improving employee experience:

  • What do employees miss the most about not being at the office?
  • How do employees see working in the office again?
  • What amenities would employees like to have added to the office?
  • How often would employees like to be in the office each week?
  • Would it be set days per week or dynamic?
  • What could be done to improve working remotely?
  • What do employees like most about working remotely?

Questions for right-sizing your real estate portfolio:

  • What was the cost of vacancy for each facility during the pandemic?
  • Which facilities will be critical for the business moving forward?
  • Which facilities can we consolidate, shut down, or terminate to achieve portfolio optimization?
  • How do we execute the optimization plan?
  • How do we improve the employee experience at the facilities the business will retain?
  • How do we continue to monitor the performance of the portfolio after the plan is executed?




What will the new standards be for future facilities?

The good news is that these questions are not new to the Facility Management industry, but the answers might be. This can be a refreshing exercise for both the employees and the real estate team, in being able to co-create the future of the organization.

We are at a critical juncture of the future of the workplace. Organizations can head in different directions based on the needs of their employees and their business. If the proper balance is in place it is a win for our organizations, and the customers we support!

For more tips on developing your 2021 workplace strategy, watch the on-demand webcast >



Written by:  Justin Friedman, Practice Manager, Facilities Management at CADD Microsystems

About CADD Microsystems

CADD Microsystems is a nationally recognized authority for technology solutions in the design, build and operate industry. We are a consulting firm with more than 30 years of experience building solutions to address our clients’ individual needs, combining software solutions, BIM consulting, professional services, training programs, and license management expertise.

Clients call us when they need education around improving efficiency through technology and processes, adding capabilities to win more work, and staying competitive in the architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management industries.



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