What to do With Multi-Data Point Analysis?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our previous two blogs examined what a multi-data point analysis is and why it is important for property owners and building managers to leverage it to optimize the work environment. In the third in our series on multi-data point analysis, the attention turns to what can be done with the data.

Last time, we touched on the need to aggregate the analysis of multiple workplace data sets to gain an improved understanding of occupancy, attendance, and utilization. But let’s examine it in greater detail here.

Workplace Terminology

Occupancy refers to the number of people assigned to a building. This is the physical number of employees that the office can hold.

Attendance is the number of unique people who entered the building regardless of how long they’ve been inside the office.

Utilization is the number of unique people using the building each hour of the day.

Data-Driven Decisions for your Workplace

The multi-data point analysis of these three components is critical to ensure the company can create a more efficient environment for its workforce. This combined data provides decision-makers with the insights required to understand office floor plans, how teams work, and designing optimal spaces that drive collaboration.

This data is also used in the post-pandemic world to understand the split between in-office workers and remote ones. Identifying the ‘wasted’ space inside the office and developing a more enabling environment conducive to teamwork for those physically present people can deliver a significant competitive advantage.

At a time when budgets are even more constrained than usual, and office managers must identify the most effective ways of trimming down on expenses, the performance of building management will grow in importance. Pre-pandemic, even the best buildings averaged between 40% and 50% utilization. This is something that won’t be adequate today. Multi-data point analysis empowers property owners to reduce waste, especially when it comes to providing full building services like power, utilities, and so on. There’s no longer the need to run these all the time, thereby contributing significant savings to the business bottom line.

Welcome to the New Data-Driven Office

At a fundamental level, multi-data point analysis allows a business to focus on delivering an environment where people will come together to see colleagues, meet with visitors, and engage with one another. It’s about refocusing the real estate portfolio to one that’s more proactive about employee and customer needs. It comes down to creating an occupancy experience that includes visitors, contractors, and everyone else visiting the office environment.

It’s therefore important to identify, plan, and deliver the ideal experience for all the people who visit the office environment. The real estate must be evaluated based on the space requirements of the company and whether it’s got access to the size required to optimize the environment.

Implementing work point sensors can help collect data and bring a new level of understanding of how a space is used. It will also identify the ‘cold’ areas where people are not active to bring about a potential redesign. Organizations can then leverage these utilization insights to know whether the existing real estate reflects what they need and make informed decisions on what – if any – changes to make.

Thanks to multi-data point analysis, all this is possible as the office of the future is created.

Download our free Multi-Data Point Analysis e-book to read more.

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