4 Reasons Why Universities Should Treat Their Space as a Strategic Asset

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this 4 part blog series I am going to explore reasons why universities should begin to think of their physical space inventory as a strategic asset and how an integrated space centric technology approach can help them manage their campus more effectively in today’s highly competitive campus environments. I am going to break this series down into four major buckets and will address each individual area of interest in separate blog posts in an effort to fully detail why each area matters individually and how they fit into the bigger picture of thinking of your space more strategically.

Let’s take a quick look at the major topics that I will focus on as we begin to build a strong case for higher education. I want to place a strong emphasis on one of their greatest assets which is the tremendous investment that has been put into facilities and the space that is used for a variety of purposes that support the academic mission of the institution.

Cost Reduction

In this blog post I’ll focus on how cost reductions can be achieved through areas such as increased space utilization. We’ll explore how a unique focus on utilization can help you to find space you didn’t know you had.

Cost Avoidance

We will take a look at how cost reductions explored on part 1 of this series can lead to perhaps the largest benefit in terms of dollars saved for a higher education campus and that is construction avoidance due to optimizing the effectiveness of the institutions physical space inventory.

Cost Recovery

Many universities are evolving the way that they track space assignments. In this part of the series we’ll investigate how cost recovery techniques such as internal charge backs and indirect cost recovery for funded research are enabling institutions to recover costs for the use of their facilities campus wide more effectively.


New ways of learning such as online schooling and non-traditional schooling are offering students more options than ever in terms of deciding how they will obtain their education. We’ll look at how colleges and universities are creating new alternative environments that offer exciting new options for learning that are enticing the students of today to make their institution their first choice.

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