Communicating the value of IWMS to your CFO

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Understanding Executive Value

Did you know that real estate is the second highest cost to most organizations? This proves how important it is for companies to reduce the costs of their operations and obtain competitive advantage in the market place. It is important to understand the different insights from all members of the executive team when deciding to invest in an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS). While an IWMS solution can enable organizations to manage their facility processes more effectively while reducing costs and increasing productivity enterprise-wide, knowing the right information to present to your executive team can dramatically shape and inform growth strategies.

This is why we have created “The IWMS Value Guide,” which is a guide that helps facility and real estate professionals understand the value of an IWMS solution and communicate it to their management team. Each level of the C-Suite has different opinions about what contributes most to the heath and success of their organization and we want to prepare you with information to have informed discussions with each level.

Over the next several weeks I will be writing about each level of the C-Suite, their real estate insights and the value of IWMS technology.

The first member of the C-Suite I am going to talk about is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

What your CFO needs to know

CEO’s rely more on the CFO than any other member of the C-Suite—they are trusted financial advisors with clear visibility into cost structures across the company. The CEO relies heavily on the CFO to drive performance and set strategy for the organization.

According to a 2015 IBM Survey of Global CFO’s, CFO’s stated their 2 most critical tasks were measuring and monitoring company performance and providing strategic input—two key tasks that the right technology can help them achieve.

CFO’s are extremely risk-averse, so providing them with a clear understanding of how an investment in an IWMS solution can lead to cost savings and ROI is critical. While CFOs still seem to think they can wring more savings out of cost-cutting initiatives, they are seeing diminishing returns from those efforts. That is shining a brighter spotlight on finding growth.
This is just a glance at the CFO’s insight into risk and technology. Download our value guide below to learn more about what your CFO needs to know.

Stay tuned, next week I will talk about what your CTO/CIO needs to know!

Download the IWMS Value Guide

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