The Key to Defensible Data (Hint: It’s Not Excel)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s time for your annual space survey. Are you relying on spreadsheets or DIY solutions to manage one of your biggest assets – the use of your space?

If you said yes, then you don’t know how your space is really being used. And there’s a significant cost to not knowing when real estate is at such a huge premium:

Universities waste thousands of dollars and countless hours doing manual space surveys for indirect cost recovery.

Accuracy is critical. Incorrect data leads to lower indirect cost recovery rates, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.

Facility Management Technology is the Key to Defensible Data

Really know your space

With real-time utilization capture, collect data automatically and stream wirelessly for analysis: Dashboards with charts & heat maps make it easy to interpret

Set one source of truth

With traditional solutions (cough, cough…spreadsheets), data is scattered and inconsistent: Automation ensures accuracy, both current and historical.

Quickly deliver accurate data

Gone are the days of manually pulling reports and crunching numbers skewed by human error: Technology allows a simple export of accurate, up-to-date information.

Go beyond defensible data to:

  • Increase the accuracy, visibility and availability of space data
  • Provide selective, secure access to data, reports and floor plans
  • Reduce costs by better utilizing your space, optimizing occupant densities and eliminating or reducing vacancies
  • Easily manage bi-directional integration with your existing AutoCAD and Revit facility drawings and models

How Technology Can Get You the Most Federal Funding Possible

Download our e-book to learn what you need to know to maximize your indirect cost recovery (ICR) rates to get the most federal funding possible and ways technology can help you manage your space information, eliminating invalid data, human error and multiple streams of information that aren’t in sync.


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