Why is Multi-Data Point Analysis Important?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In our previous blog, we discussed what a multi-data point analysis is and how it enables the analysis of workplace data to identify areas where the building or office portfolio can be enhanced. Today, we look at the importance of leveraging multi-point data analysis.

Following the thick of the pandemic, organizations are adjusting to employees wanting hybrid work experiences. This necessitates a radically different office environment from the one that was left in March 2020. Many companies must therefore find the right balance between remote workers and those who want to return to the office.

So, even though hybrid work is here to stay, it doesn’t mean the office has to become a relic. As Gartner suggests, there’s still a need for an in-office experience to build connections and experience the culture of the organization. Understanding how to provide that is where multi-point data analysis becomes invaluable. This empowers enterprises with vital insights that can result in optimized office management and property utilization.

Think of multi-point data analysis as taking the guesswork out of space management. It’s about providing you with the objective data and workplace intelligence you need to make informed decisions about your workplace and real estate strategy. Ultimately, you want to create high-performance facilities that contribute to highly productive employees. Having access to the right data makes this possible.

Reinventing the physical environment

Consider your physical environment. Many companies might’ve allocated 70% of their seating to people who work from their desks daily. This is no longer necessary as many of the traditional office-bound workers can access everything they need to be productive from a remote location.

Over the past few years, new appointments have been made with many employees never even having met one another in person due to the pandemic. Workplaces must now be designed to cater to a variety of different generational workers engaging with one another while also getting to learn the ‘new’ company culture in this regard.

A data-driven and iterative approach has become the cornerstone of the new office landscape. The nice thing is that nobody knows what the perfect office looks like. If anything, there’s no universal way of applying workplace utilization to fit every business and industry vertical. It’s now a case of analyzing all the data specific to your company, measuring the performance of your changes, evaluating the results, and iterating where necessary.

To do this effectively, you must understand your occupancy usage. And the best way to do that is to embrace workplace analytics as provided for using a multi-point data analysis approach. Critically, the aggregate analysis of multiple workplace data sets that comprise occupancy, attendance, and utilization becomes the fuel to drive office space innovation.

The Right Tools for Multi-Data Source Analysis

A multi-dimensional workplace data analytics platform is key to optimizing your portfolio and giving you that competitive advantage that differentiates your workplace from others. Multiple data sources aggregated into a single view let you unlock opportunities across your property portfolio.

A solution like FMS:Insights can automate data gathering, analysis, and reporting. In this way, you can access powerful, objective intelligence on workplace utilization, employee mobility, and much more.

None of this is possible without multi-point data analysis. Decision-makers must therefore embrace this different way of thinking to better prepare themselves for the office environment of the future.

Download our free Multi-Data Point Analysis e-book to read more.

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