3 Overlooked Workplace Management Tech Benefits for HR Leaders

Reading Time: 4 minutes

For many human resources (HR) leaders, 2021 and 2022 were characterized by recruiting and retention challenges due to The Great Resignation. Today, despite the recent wave of companies announcing massive layoffs and concerns about a slowing economy, 61% of US workers are still considering quitting this year, according to a LinkedIn poll of 2,000 workers. The reasons vary, but the desire to quit is more than just looking for higher pay – many are actively looking for other positions due to disengagement, increased burnout, and lack of flexibility in their current roles.

HR leaders play a critical role in driving growth, building a positive culture, and staying competitive. As organizations continue to seek new ways to attract and retain top talent, here are 3 surprising ways workplace management solutions can be  powerful in helping HR teams create engaging workplaces, improve productivity, and support their retention goals.

Room and Desk Booking Tools Provide Data for Positive and Productive Hybrid Experience

The value of the physical workplace has evolved from a place where work got work done to a destination for people to come together for collaboration, ideation and  culture-building opportunities. And while hybrid work has become the popular work model of choice, after years of experiencing increased work-life balance from working remotely, who wants to spend their time commuting into an office only to show up and not have a place to work? Or not have access to a workspace conducive to the work they need to complete? Or arrive at a mostly empty office, when that employee was looking forward to in-person interactions with their teammates?

Room and desk booking solutions offer a seamless hybrid experience for employees coming in on different days and times, and perhaps even different office locations. Before heading in, employees can easily reserve a desk, room, or workspace directly from an interactive floor plan within their mobile app. They can choose where they want to work based on the task at-hand or near certain coworkers for increased collaboration. Advanced booking tools can also be used for reserving just about anything within the office, from lockers to safely stow away their bigger items, to workspaces based on the amount of natural light and noise levels to other in-office amenities.

By making it really easy to quickly reserve a workspace, see who else is coming in, and where teammates are working, means employees have greater control over their in-office work days and be ready to bring their best to work.

What’s more, HR leaders can use the data as a starting point to reveal the types of workspaces employees are using the most, the least, when and where. From there, they can supplement this data with direct feedback from their employees to better determine what workplace adjustments could be made to continue meeting the unique needs of their teams and ultimately foster a positive work environment that promotes employee satisfaction and loyalty.


Multi-Data Point Workplace Analytics Can Inform Retention and Recruitment Strategies

Our recent Refocus and Rationalize the Workplace survey revealed that 1 in 3 HR leaders say organizations should focus real estate decisions around choosing the right workspace aligned with the culture and mission of your organization and employees, yet 3 out of 4 business leaders say they lack utilization and space data to make informed decisions about their workplace and real estate needs.

Multi-data point analytics platforms consolidate a variety of objective data and workplace intelligence into a single view for companies to easily identify areas within their workplaces and real estate portfolios. This includes booking data, like employee attendance, but takes it several steps further by also providing several additional workplace data sources, including:

  • Areas of underutilization and congestion
  • Departmental utilization
  • Allocation to the size, frequency, and duration of meetings
  • Environmental and energy factors, like lighting, heating, cooling and air quality

When HR has access to this level of rich workplace analytics, they can identify specific employee needs and preferences related to work-life balance, professional development, and workplace amenities that reinforce the shared values and mission of the company with the values of their employees. And by catering to these preferences and addressing potential pain points, HR is showing employees they are both seen and heard, and can thus strengthen their retention and recruitment strategies accordingly.

Workplace Tech Insights Increase HR and IT Collaboration

The siloed approach of separating information technology (IT) and HR functions has been long overdue for an overhaul. To get the most benefit from workplace management technologies and the data generated, HR and IT leaders must work together. Collaborating will result in a more holistic approach when it comes to technology implementation and people management. For example, many businesses were quick to adopt several employee software apps and tools during the pandemic as they adjusted to remote work. Now, they’re realizing they may have moved too fast, with many tools used for the same purpose or requiring multiple steps that are counterproductive to their employees’ flow of work and a major source of frustration.

With HR’s focus on people, they can work directly with IT leaders to manage current and future tech investments that better resonate with their employees. And with ITs expertise, they can work with HR to ensure they’re delivering the right types and amounts of tech resources that employees will actually use to be more productive and efficient.  Combining their expertise to analyze and interpret workplace data ultimately translates  into actionable insights that drive meaningful change among their people and culture.

Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important in today’s fast-changing hybrid environment. Workplace management technology can serve as a great tool to give HR leaders the data and insights needed to make more full picture, evidence-based decisions that support their people’s needs, values, and preferences.

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