Workplace Management Software for government agencies provides visibility to resources and insight into the effectiveness of real estate management strategies throughout the portfolio lifecycle. With FM:Systems federal, state and local government entities can access, manage and measure their real estate assets with ease, maximizing the use of space and gaining actionable intelligence for strategic portfolio decisions.

Access, Manage and Measure
Increased accountability due to government mandates has created the need for facilities professions to provide insight into the effective management of government real estate property assets through their entire lifecycle.
Requirements for improved operational, environmental and financial performance of government facilities are also at an all-time high. With FM:Systems federal government clients can manage, share and prove the effectiveness of their initiatives towards accomplishing these goals.
FedRAMP Authorized Solutions for Workplace Management
FM:Systems is currently FedRAMP Authorized for our room and desk booking solution, FMS:Employee, and is pursuing authorization for FMS:Workplace, our comprehensive IWMS solution.

FedRAMP Authorized Room, Desk & Resource Scheduling.

FM:Systems is in pursuit of FedRamp Moderate Authorization for our FMS:Workplace product in 2024.
FM:Systems Allows Government Facility Professionals to:
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) requires the delivery of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for major federal building projects. FM:Systems offers a direct integration with Autodesk® Revit® software for BIM which leverages building information modeling data to improve communication and collaboration between stakeholders as a building evolves.
By providing easy-to-use tools to better understand the utilization and allocation of space our clients are able to improve occupancy rates and space utilization with detailed space inventories, accurate occupancy data and to manage facilities benchmarks.
Our workplace management solutions can alert you of high-cost properties or leases through reports and email notifications and can help you manage Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

With Our Software, you will:
→ Set a single source of truth for your information
→ Prove the effectiveness of government initiatives
→ Improve operational, environmental, and financial real estate performance goals
→ Bring clarity to financial decision making

The FM:Systems Solution for Government Facility Management
FM:Systems provides tools for federal agencies to improve operational, financial and environmental performance of federal real estate property assets. Executive orders have required executive branch agencies to establish asset management plans, measure appropriate performance measures and prioritize actions to ensure the effective management of federal real estate property assets through their entire lifecycle. The shifting expectations for the workplace following the Covid-19 pandemic also create opportunities for government agencies to adopt hybrid strategies and reduce their overall portfolio footprint.
FM:Systems provides the visibility and objective data required for precise and strategic decision-making.

-Allan Harty, Assistant Director, Cumbria County Council

Free Hybrid Workplace Government Resources
We’ve compiled a wealth of information to help you with the evaluation, hosting, security, and contracting process. These resource below will help you with market research needs when procuring hybrid workplace software in a government agency.
Resources included:
✓ Market Research Findings and Data Analysis
✓ IDIQ Documentation
✓ Insightful Hybrid Work Educational Materials
✓ Government Procurement and Implementation Partner Directory