Frequently Asked Questions about Hoteling

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The FM:Interact Hoteling capability is the first functionality released from our new Space Reservation module. A lot of our clients are either implementing or planning to implement Hoteling this year, and we are constantly hearing the same frequently asked questions about its features and functionalities. I want to help answer these questions and provide you with more information about how Hoteling can help your organization reduce the amount of physical space it needs.

Let’s get started with the obvious question of, “what is Hoteling?” Simply stated, Hoteling enables organizations to provide a method for employees to reserve workspace on an as-needed rather than a constantly reserved basis. There is a growing need to allow facilities professionals who are working remotely to reserve workspaces for a few hours, for a day or for the week that they are in town. Having a tool like Hoteling in place helps organizations reduce the amount of space they need, helping them lower overhead costs while ensuring that every worker can access office resources when necessary.

Now let’s dive into a few more questions that people have about Hoteling:

Q: How do I get my Hoteling reservation on my Outlook or Google calendar?
A: A hoteling administrator can set it up so once you submit a Hoteling request, an email notification will automatically be sent to you. The notification will include an .ICS file that will have all the reservation details and can then be added to your email calendar.

Q: Who can submit a Hoteling request?
A: Any FM:Interact user with access to the Space Reservation module and Hoteling views can submit a request. Reservations are made “on demand” where a user can reserve the room at any time without approval, or you can permission rooms to have approval in which case a Hoteling approver has to approve the request prior to the space being reserved.

Q: How do you verify space usage for future space management needs?
A: Administrators will be able to run out-of-the reports on all the submitted reservations, which will help them track the utilization of Hoteling spaces and plan for future space management needs.

Q: What types of reporting come out of the box?
A: The Space Reservation module will have some basic reports out of the box, but any report can be created using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) or SQL Report Builder.

Q: How are different time zones handled?
A: Time zones can be set for each building in the system, which enables Hoteling users to schedule a reservation in the correct time zone for that particular building.

Q: How is the Hoteling calendar set up in FM:Interact?
A: All users with the appropriate view permissions have access to a calendar view of all Hoteling reservations. When a user selects a specific room, all reservations for the room display on a calendar, so they can quickly determine what rooms are available during the time they need prior to submitting a reservation request.

I hope this list of FAQs has helped to answer some of the questions you have about Hoteling as well! Want more? We have a variety of resources that will help give you a better idea of the features and functionalities of Hoteling. Begin by viewing our Hoteling overview video or watch a 30 minute recorded webinar.

Still have questions? We would be happy to set up a one-on-one call with you and your team to discuss how Hoteling can help benefit your organization. Fill out our “contact us” form, and a representative will reach out to you shortly!

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