The Complete 2021 Facility Maintenance Best Practices Checklist

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Preventative Maintenance Checklist

Preventative maintenance is one of the essential parts of running an efficient and cost-effective business. Most things become more expensive the longer you wait to repair them, so having a preventative maintenance checklist helps ensure that you catch any problems as soon as possible.

Checklist Guidelines

  • Revise this facility maintenance checklist whenever you add or remove something at your facility
  • Follow manufacturer guidelines for maintaining or replacing any dangerous items, even if those differ from the guidelines presented below
  • Review this facility maintenance checklist with the appropriate personnel annually, as well as each time you update it

General Safety

  • Check and refill or replace all first aid kits after using them
  • Check to be sure all safety signs are visible and easy to read
  • Clean all respirator systems
  • Test your fire alarm monthly
  • Test your fire escape equipment, if present
  • Test all fire extinguishers twice a year, replacing as needed
  • Make sure you have the right type of fire extinguishers for your building, including extinguishers for electrical or kitchen
    fires as appropriate
  • Test and drain your sprinkler system regularly
  • Remove any obstructions from stairs
  • Dispose of all chemicals and hazardous waste as directed by manufacturers or applicable regulations
  • Clearly label all hazardous products and supplies

Maintenance Supplies

  • Ensure your facility has personal protective equipment for everyone who needs it; this includes hard hats, ear protection, eye protection, visible clothing, and anything else that may be necessary
  • Keep all cleaning supplies stocked
  • Have a set of tools for making repairs, including a power washer, a vacuum suitable for both wet and dry floors, and a drill
  • Keep air filtration equipment available

Grounds Care

  • Remove as many weeds as possible
  • Limit the presence of insects on your grounds; some, such as ladybugs, can help naturally repel other problems
  • Ensure the soil has at least one inch of mulch on top for your plants to grow in
  • Keep the grounds mowed to the appropriate height for the type of grass you’re using
  • Apply fertilizer as directed by manufacturers
  • Prune trees and shrubs seasonally
  • Remove any fruit, branches, or other plant parts that could fall on people
  • Test your sprinkler system to ensure all sections function properly
  • Water and dethatch the lawn regularly


  • Check the roof for damage every six months, as well as after any particularly bad weather
  • Clean the drains of any debris and make sure they’re firmly anchored to the building
  • Check metal parts for any signs of corrosion or general wear
  • Flush water through drains and downspouts to check for clogs
  • Clean up any areas of standing water and add a slope to the roof to prevent future accumulation of liquid
  • Eliminate any plants growing on your building

Exterior Maintenance

  • Check any paint on the outside of your building and repaint if it’s peeling or chipping. Paint on the exposed side(s) of the building usually wears out first
  • Remove any dirt stuck to the side of the building, using a power washing tool as needed
  • Check the condition of all doors, locks, and windows, repairing or replacing as needed
  • Clean all windows at least four times each year, preferably when seasons change
  • Remove any plants growing along the foundation
  • Fill all cracks in pavement with a sealant
  • Remove any debris on the building grounds, including garbage or items left out
  • Ensure all walking areas are clean and safe to walk on, replacing their coating every ten years or so
  • Ensure the area around the dumpsters is clean
  • Check all fencing; if you need to replace it, make sure to get something weather-resistant
  • Insulate pipes and disconnect hoses before winter

Interior Maintenance

  • Check all walls for signs of moisture, mold, or peeling paint
  • Clean all floors regularly
  • Replace carpets roughly every five years, or more often if it gets stained quickly
  • Replace other floorings every 15 to 30 years, as needed
  • Check for any signs of leaks, broken pipes, or faulty seals
  • Check the locks on all windows, and add locks to any windows that do not have them
  • Lubricate all hinges and locking mechanisms monthly, or more often if they see a lot of use
  • Check all water-using equipment, including toilets and faucets
  • Make sure all waste containers have lids
  • Check doors to ensure they’re weather-tight
  • Remove any obstructions from the path of exits
  • Remove any trash that’s building up
  • Look for signs of insect infestations and call a professional exterminator if you see anything


  • Clean the air intake of your HVAC system as necessary
  • Replace your air filters as scheduled, but check them at least monthly to determine whether or not you should replace them sooner
  • Isolate anything causing excessive vibrations or noise while the blower is operating; these are usually a sign of something that could cause damage over time
  • Ensure all drain pans are draining as they should be
  • Keep the motors and ducts clean, and call in a professional cleaning company at least once a year
  • Look for any signs of leaks in flexible duct connections
  • Lubricate HVAC bearings annually
  • Check the connections and condition of all electrical hardware
  • Test all safety controls monthly
  • Minimize mineral buildup inside of water heaters
  • Drain the boiler occasionally to remove any sediment
  • Calibrate your thermostat


  • Check all light fixtures regularly, replacing any dead bulbs
  • Replace bulbs in sensitive areas, like places where customers or clients go, before they completely burn out
  • Inspect all exterior cables, hardware, and screws to ensure they’re in good shape
  • Clean all lighting surfaces regularly
  • Carefully remove any bulbs that contain dangerous substances like lead or mercury, and follow local guidelines for recycling them
  • Check the aim of any adjustable lighting

Electrical Systems

  • Have a licensed electrician inspect your entire facility every three years, or more often if required
  • Test all automatic and manual switches within your building
  • Check electrical boxes and connections for signs of overheating or deterioration
  • Do not simply replace damaged components; be sure you can identify why they are damaged, and ask an expert if you need to
  • Test all outlets in the building
  • Test all smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, other test instruments, and flashlights; replace any batteries as needed
  • Make sure all outlet covers are tight and uncracked
  • Test any exhaust fans
  • Lubricate electrical equipment as directed by the manufacturer
  • Check all fuse systems to ensure all of them are working; do not use different kinds of fuses unless directed to
  • Remove any obstructions that prevent access to electrical panels
  • Keep all electrical meters clean and properly illuminated

Pipes and Plumbing

  • Check pipes annually
  • Lubricate bearings on any water boosters or circulation systems annually
  • Fire-test boilers and water heaters occasionally
  • Check all sewage ejection systems and lubricate any exposed parts annually
  • Test all hot and cold water faucets and outlets every three months
  • Ensure all drains connect to the sanitary sewer properly
  • Add backflow devices where appropriate
  • Test the low water shut-off systems on sinks and other outlets
  • Clean sink and building traps to ensure adequate drainage

Consider using this checklist in 2020 to ensure your facility is operating smoothly.

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