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3 Ways to Innovate and Simplify the Hybrid Workday with Workplace Management

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Many companies are turning to a hybrid work model for its convenience and flexibility. But it’s also critical that companies balance increased flexibility with improved operational efficiency. 

Of course, technology can help ease the transition. But Gartner found that two-thirds of employees think the tech they use at work already requires too much effort. The extra work actually wastes more than five hours every week on average. Say goodbye to the free time reclaimed from that commute!

As a leader in workplace management technology, we can’t sit by and let this happen. Our job is to make sure our customers can easily adapt to these changes. Employees shouldn’t have to spend their time worrying about administrative procedures. And no one should pay the price of technology adding time to the workday.

One great solution for a hybrid work environment is JLL Jet. It’s a mobile-first employee-enablement app that simplifies how work gets done. It offers smarter personalized experiences for everyday tasks, such as booking meeting space, through an out-of-the-box integration with FM:Systems Employee. In addition to being a compatible technology partner behind some important app functionality, FM:Systems is now the only third-party vendor licensed to offer JLL Jet directly to its customers. 

In this blog, we’ll dig into three ways Jet working with FM:Systems and other business systems – can innovate and simplify the hybrid work transition. Teams will be more engaged, connected, productive, safe, and supported –  regardless of where they set up shop for the day.

Here’s how:




#1: Smarter meeting scheduling and collaboration

In a remote environment, collaboration can be tougher. Plus, “this meeting could have been an email” rings especially true after a year of Zoom fatigue. But when meetings are needed, finding the right time and place can be a daunting task.

When combined with a room scheduling solution such as FMS:Employee, Jet fixes this by automating many parts of the process. It finds the right time and place for a meeting based on everyone’s availability, location, and preferred work hours. It also connects to room reservation systems to find available spaces to meet in person – calling out preferred meeting room(s) first. It even integrates video conferencing to accommodate virtual and mixed meeting options

Learn more about how to set up a meeting in the JET app.



#2: Automate and showcase new health protocols

Health and safety considerations are now a priority for many employees considering a return to the office. They expect more personal space and more rigorous cleaning standards. In many places, we’re also seeing required health screenings when entering the building.

Managing all this is one thing. Proving it and showing employees that it’s working is another. And getting IT, HR and facilities to work  together efficiently on this has at times seemed like wizardry.  That’s why Jet’s ability to address the connection of work, people and spaces is so important. It makes it easy for all stakeholders to play their role in supporting the return to the office.

How does Jet drive health and safety in your return to the office? The app:

  • Provides the technology behind office-entry screening, sending notifications and reminders on policies and requirements.
  • Makes it easy to find clean and available desks and meeting rooms – with full support for social distancing and touchless policies.
  • Automates the cleaning and disinfecting workflow for shared spaces between uses.

Learn more about how to safely reserve hot desks and rooms with JLL Jet




#3: Provide easy access to IT, HR & FM service requests

Wouldn’t it be great if work from home meant stuff didn’t break anymore? Or if time off requests were never in conflict? In reality, service and support gets a lot harder when your support staff isn’t on scene to help. Sometimes it’s not even clear who to go to or how to ask for help fixing a problem. Even when protocols are clear, having problem-solvers in different locations makes simple tasks like raising a hand for help and tracking progress on a solution a lot tougher.

There’s no reason IT, HR, and facilities have to operate in silos. Instead of navigating various portals, Slack channels, email chains and support tickets, Jet makes it easy to provide a one-stop-shop for all help requests including those in FMS:Workplace. This removes the stress for employees and accelerates solutions.

It supports conversational inputs (talking, typing, and tapping) that allows users to submit help requests in a way that is more natural to use and navigate. The app’s “intent detection” then uses AI to help categorize the issue and route it to the right team, even when there is overlap on who can or should work on it.

 Learn more about how to request corporate services with JLL Jet.



Automate the mundane and enjoy hybrid work

The challenges and requirements of business are always changing. With JLL Jet, the hybrid work transition can be more efficient. The app’s complete plug-and-play integration with FM:Systems solutions and other enterprise systems (calendars, video conferencing, knowledge bases, etc.) delivers instant time-to-value and simplifies the hybrid workday.

In fact, Jet functionalities have generated 66-75% time savings for users on common tasks. The simplicity and power of its horizontal integration and AI automation means users can simplify mundane tasks and spend their time and energy on the work that matters most. 

Start planning your hybrid work strategy with our free planning kit >


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